Wonorejo Village and Sumberanyar Village, Banyuputih Region, Situbondo
National Park Sector I Bekol
Resort Bama,
Balanan, Perengan
National Park Sector II Karangtekok
Resort Watu
Numpuk, Labuhan Merak, Bitakol
Early in 1928, AH LOEDEBOER hunter with dutch nationality had
concession farm in Labuhan Merak and Mesigit mountain. He gave attention for
Baluran had value for animals mammals protection.
At 1930 KW. DAMMERMAN officiate become director Botanical Park Bogor
suggest for Baluran to be forest protected. In 1937, General governor dutch
east indies establish Baluran became wildlife protection with provision GB. No. 9 date 25 September 1937 Stbl. 1937
No. 544. And next Minister Land and Agraria RI
with provision letter number, SK/II/1962 date 11 may 1962. 6 march 1980
coincide with preserve strategical world day, wildlife reserve Baluran by
agriculture minister announcement become National Park
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